Taina Productions

Taina Productions

Call:(808) 7395252

Call: (808) 739-5252 

Email: huladanz@yahoo.com 

Children & Adults

PRIVATE Dance : Hula – Tahitian PRIVATE: Vocal Lessons



There are two main types of Hula. The Kahiko and the Auana.  Kahiko is the ancient dance of Hawaii.  Which involves drumming and chanting.  Auana is the modern form of hula.   There are musical instrumentation and singing.


Tahitian dance has two main group dancing.  There is the Ote’a, the exciting drum dance.  This is where the dancers wear pounded bark skirts and hand tassels.  The second type is the aparima which the dancers wear pareu (sarong) and tell a story with their hands similar to Hula.

There is a third category in which solo dancers compete with other dancers during drum improvisation

 Vocal Lessons

Lessons will have prerecorded voice exercises.  Singers will develop skill with simple exercises that will be more challenging as the student progress. Vocal students can now download their desired song as long it fits their vocal level and is in agreement with the instructor. 

Lesson Policy

Dance Lessons: $90.00 per month – 4 lessons a month

Vocal Lessons: $70.00 per month – 4 lessons a month

Lesson time is arranged between Student and Instructor

Students will bring their handouts and music to every lesson.

All lesson tuition is paid at the first lesson.